Delicious ‘Hip’ Soups and ‘Dorky’ Stews are on the Menu at Drew’s Stews


Chef Drew Maggiore of Lexington.

By Devin Shaw

Drew Maggiore wants everyone to know that soup can be hip. As he thinks about that, he says, “Well, I guess you would have to decide if I am hip first. Maybe you decide that soup is kind of dorky and I am kind of dorky and that works out somehow. I guess I am aiming for dorky-cool!”


Drew Maggiore started making soups and stews years ago for his family and friends. With Italian and Eastern European blood, home cooking has always been important to him. And, during his ten years living in the Netherlands, he discovered produce and organic meat markets that began to make their way into his home cooked meals.


Drew worked as a consultant and a translator for expats for 20 years. When he returned to the states, he continued working in that field, but after a while he had an epiphany. He exclaimed, “I was 10 years out of being an expat; I’m in Lexington and I have a four-year-old, a six-year-old and a husband, but something is missing in my career! I felt like I needed more fulfillment. I did some brainstorming last fall and thought about what I enjoy most—and it is cooking and talking about food!”


That’s when Drew’s Stews was born. He told me, “I have always been a real soup fanatic and I have always received good feedback from family and friends. I realized that must be my culinary-calling! So I thought about ‘how can I cook and talk about food?’ So, I came to the conclusion that I like being in kitchens, supermarkets, and farmer’s markets. That’s where Drew’s Stews came from.”


Then the pandemic happened. Drew told me, “No one knows what to do, we have no childcare, and do I start the business? I decided to start Drew’s Stews very small—small scale and small batches. I started on March 30th. Those first couple of weeks was surprising–with everyone housebound I had a ton of orders! I think people, myself included, didn’t last long before resorting to takeout. Long story short, it just evolved. I am still cooking two days a week and will probably begin to increase it into three days a week shortly!”


For Drew, using all natural and preservative-free food began in 2011 when his mother was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. His desire to find the healthiest food possible has continued with his company. He said, “More than anything, this is about fulfillment for me, but it’s also about bringing all natural, organic, and locally sourced products―the same products I use at home―to the people around me! I do really believe that soup can be both healthy and fun!”


Drew’s signature dish is a delicious cacciatore-style chicken stew. Drew told me, “I made that for my family for many years. My dad is always super critical of food—and this is a family recipe that his grandmother and mother made. My dad is Italian-American and always talks about stuff being ‘mezza-mezz’. If it stinks, it’s ‘south-a-mezz’, but if it is good it is ‘nord-a-mezz’! So, I call this soup the Way-Nord-a-Mezz!”


“À Pesca!” – A Brazilian-style moqueca packed with cod, sweet bell peppers, carrots, celery, coconut milk, cilantro, and lime.

Drew’s soups, stews, and spreads range in styles and often rotate by the week. From fish-and-foul to vegan, Drew’s products include anything from a Gazpacho, Cucumber Soup, Moqueca, to a vegan Corn Chowder. Drew’s brilliantly named “Children of the Corn Chowder” fits into a larger theme you will surely notice. He explained, “The names of my soups are allusions to 80’s television that people may or may not recognize!”


You can find Drew and his wonderful personality and products at Farmers Markets right now (his fall project is getting a wholesale license to sell his products in smaller stores.) Drew tells me, “I’m at the Lexington, Belmont, and Winchester Farmers Markets. Even in these times where farmers markets are not as cozy as they usually are, where everyone is hanging out and eating food and socializing, I am still having great conversations with people that provide great feedback and keep coming back for more!”


But farmers markets close at the end of October, but thankfully you can order Drew’s products on his website ( for delivery! Drew tells me, “You order delivery through my website. We deliver on Sunday evenings and Wednesday afternoons. I deliver to Lexington, Bedford, Winchester, Medford, Malden, Melrose, Woburn, Somerville, and Cambridge.” Drew also collaborates with the company Bread Obsession because, as we all know, nothing pairs better with a homemade stew, soup, or spread than homemade bread!


Drew is also in the process of launching a “soup share” program which he calls “The Soup Ally Shares: Mo’ Soup for You!” With a potentially not-so-obvious nod to the obstreperous Seinfeld character. The share will be for either four or eight weeks in November and December, and will include two quarts of soup, two spreads and a loaf of Bread Obsession bread each week, with add-ons available. The monthly share will also include a bottle of Zaazey Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Read more about it at!


Drew is a Lexington resident with a passion for making hip soup, stews, and spreads. You can taste the years of practice and passion with every spoonful. As Drew tells me, “I want people’s lives to be a little bit easier in a year that kind of stinks, and get fun and healthy food delivered to their home!” Whether you decide that soup is hip or dorky-cool doesn’t matter, just order a few pints and taste something delicious. Visit or to learn more, or to order some hip soup.

Check out the Fall/Winter Soup Shares!

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