LexFUN! 1st Annual Holiday Marketplace

LexFUN! 1st Annual Holiday Marketplace

Thursday, Nov. 10 –  4 – 7pm –  St. Brigid’s Parish

With over 30 vendors confirmed, this is sure to be the start of something great.  As an organization dedicated to young families, LexFUN! has created an event where Mom and Dad entrepreneurs will have a place to showcase their arts and goods.  Keeping families in mind, LexFUN! has also created a Kid’s Entertainment and Craft Zone, sponsored by Gymboree Play & Music and Yamaha Music School of Boston.  Parents will be able to shop, while the little ones are entertained with play and holiday themed crafts.  Food and beverages will be available, including pizza.  This is a free event and open to the public.  10% of each vendors sales will be donated to LexFUND, LexFUN’s preschool and community fund providing assistance to families in financial need and to organizations supporting young families.

Join us for an afternoon of fun or for a quick shopping trip to meet and support the many unique entrepreneurs within our local community!  For more information, please go to www.lexfun.org or email fiveandundernetwork@gmail.com.

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